South Shore Retirement Services Blog

By Mark Rowlette | August 5, 2024

Discover how to help protect and potentially grow your retirement savings even when financial markets are unpredictable. Understanding Market Volatility and Retirement...

By Mark Rowlette | August 30, 2023

Over the past 24 years, I’ve spoken with many people whose retirement worries are crippling. They’re often paralyzed with fear about the what-ifs of retirement: What if...

By Mark Rowlette | August 30, 2023

Death is a harsh reality of life. It’s the worst part of my line of work. Unfortunately, since I’ve been doing this for a long time, I’ve had a number of clients who...

    As time marches on, I can’t help but think of our lives at the end of 2020. We were all in semi-lockdown planning for a bizarre holiday season. While our global timeout had more than its share of drawbacks, it also provided us with a merciful sneak peek of what our retirement could be, and an opportunity to...

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    I was recently chatting with a friend about the pros and cons of moving to more tax-friendly states upon retirement. She wanted to know which state was the most popular with my relocating clients and what prompted them to move. Now, I’ve been in this business for almost 25 years and I can say for certain...

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